All are invited to join us for worship on Sunday at 9:30am. You will find us here. Our service varies to cater for contemporary and traditional worship preferences. During our service you can expect a mixture of contemporary and traditional songs and hymns, an engaging sermon, communion, prayers and morning tea with fellowship. Our service also includes a fun children’s message followed by Kids Church. After service morning tea will be available.


Kids Church is our Sunday School program for 4yrs - grade 4 aged children and is held during some of our 9:30am services. Children commence worship with their families until Kids Message and then move off together with their teachers and helpers for their customised lessons and activities, returning by the end of the worship service.

Our teachers are required to have a Working with Children Blue Card, along with Lutheran Church Australia’s ChurchSafe Training. For those children who aren’t quite ready for Kids Church there is plenty of room for them to move around the hall.


Discipleship, bible study, curiosity, hospitality, inclusion, prayer and socialising… whatever you are looking for, there is sure to be a small group for you. Being a member of a small group is a great way to connect with the Good News Community and your faith. As part of our vision we are investing our efforts into developing our small group program known as ‘Harvest Groups’.